
Real-Time Resources for COVID-19 Information

John Hopkins Corona Virus Resource Center (real time updates of COVID cases – global and U.S.)

Corona Virus Vaccine Tracker  New York Times (real time updates about the vaccines)

Oregon Health Authority (real time updates of Oregon COVID-19 data)

COVID-19 Vaccine in Oregon (current vaccine information); 1-22-2021 Vaccination Schedule

3-3-2021: New York Times explains the effect of ventilation on a classroom (interactive demonstration)

Additional Resources/Research

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Considerations for School Sealant Programs During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic (website page reviewed regularly)

DentaQuest: School-based Oral Health Care and COVID-19 (December 10, 2020, recorded webinar): The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how school-based oral health programs (SBOH) deliver dental care for children. In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and keep children safe, schools have gone to virtual learning or modified schedules. This has significantly impacted SBOH programs ability to gain access to children who have the highest need for oral health services and has required SBOH programs to reassess how they will reach these children. In July the Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) surveyed state and territorial oral health program directors to assess the impact of COVID-19 on SBOH programs and understand how their programs might revise their models during the pandemic. The DentaQuest Partnership also conducted a study to examine the continued impact of SBOH programs among children ages birth to 20 years from 2012 to 2018. This webinar will present the findings from these studies and discuss the importance of school-based oral programs for children during this time.

Study utilizing 4 existing data bases on super-spreader events (not yet peer-reviewed): Epperly DE, Rinehart KR, Caney DN. (Nov. 16, 2020) Pre-peer review. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Published on medRxive (which was established by Yale University and BMJ).

Out of a total of 1576 super-spreader events:

  • 1493 (94.7%) were classified as “Indoor”
  • 63 (3.9%) were “Indoor/Outdoor”
  • 4 (.25%) were “Outdoor”
  • Remainder (1.15 %) were “unknown”

Hospital-Acquired SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Lessons for Public Health: (Nov. 13, 2020): Implementing “universal masking” in hospitals reduced transmission of COVID significantly.  However, transmission did occur among staff-to-staff unmasked interactions, and staff that were unmasked in lunchrooms.